
Being a multi-sector can look like being a jack of all trades master of some.

Still, the reality is with twenty plus years experience in our key sectors, you ammas knowledge, know-how, skills, a reputation and a network that exceeds the sum of its parts.

If you need help with a job move or to hire in new staff, then give us a call and let's discuss how our experience can be used to your advantage.

John Palmer Team member
meet the team


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Why Cavendish Search & Selection

1: Our fees
Open book policy – Very simple and very competitive
15% across the board on all recruitment (Contingency) 20% on all Search and Selection (Headhunt) assignments - Guaranteed outcome! 12.5% fees to clients who specify that they would like to employ from the out of work sector (Giving back)
2: A free replacement on any placement who leaves up to 6 months in situ.
Making sure recruitment works for you
A free replacement on any placement who leaves up to 6 months in situ.
3: Free job postings
Clients who make one placement with Cavendish get access and 10 free job slots per month for a calendar year on www.jobsinsecurity.co.uk for security officer or security engineering roles.
The right way
We are continually monitored by our IT partner to adhere to compliance
5: Inward investment for outward performance
The better way
Investment in a state-of-the-art system (future is safe here)
6: Tenured professionals
The right support
Our recruiters have over 20 yeas experience in our chosen sectors, which has led to extensive networks and useful knowhow on how to pick the right job or staff for you.

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